Maumee River Water Level

Following in the left column is updates every 30 minutes of the Maumee River water level reporting sea level represteded from the 475 Bridge. Additionally there will be a full week’s prediction of the water level forecast to help predict the water level. Note that all future timeframes (current day for future dates) are forcasted water levels. Current and historical timeframes are actual water levels.

Current Water Height:581.10

Observed Water Flow and Height
(Past 24 Hours)
Forecasted Water Flow and Height
(5 day forecast)
05/28/2024 8:00 AM 3.06 580.64
05/28/2024 2:00 PM 2.78 580.54
05/28/2024 8:00 PM 2.78 580.54
05/29/2024 2:00 AM 2.78 580.54
05/29/2024 8:00 AM 2.78 580.54
05/29/2024 2:00 PM 2.78 580.54
05/29/2024 8:00 PM 2.78 580.54
05/30/2024 2:00 AM 2.51 580.44
05/30/2024 8:00 AM 2.26 580.34
05/30/2024 2:00 PM 2.03 580.24
05/30/2024 8:00 PM 2.03 580.24
05/31/2024 2:00 AM 2.03 580.24
05/31/2024 8:00 AM 2.03 580.24
05/31/2024 2:00 PM 1.81 580.14
05/31/2024 8:00 PM 2.03 580.24
06/01/2024 2:00 AM 2.03 580.24
06/01/2024 8:00 AM 2.03 580.24

While fishing the Maumee River one of the most important aspects is the river height; both for safety and fishing conditions. Blue Grass Island is closed to access once the water reaches 582 feet above sea level. Then once the water continues to increase many locations are not accessible pushing fisherman down to White Street, Orleans Park, and Fort Meigs.

Rain in the spring months gets me excited. Each spring brings fluctuating water levels that can range from flood to drought-like conditions. Given the choice, I love water that is constant and unchanged, especially if the water level is normal for the river. Fluctuating water disperses people and fish into new locations. Adjusting to this slight change in water level is difficult unless a fisherman has proven locations available. Water level changes are an exciting and challenging part of river fishing.